Grade 8 (UT+Exam) - 081

  MS Word What are the main parts of the MS Word interface? MS Word's interface includes the Ribbon, which organizes commands into tabs (Home, Insert, Layout, etc.), the Quick Access Toolbar for frequently used actions, the Document Area for writing and editing text, and the Status Bar that displays information like page count and word count [ 1 ]. How do you change the font style and size in MS Word? In the Home tab, use the Font group to select the desired font style and size. Advanced options like text effects, underlining, and subscript/superscript are also available for further customization [ 4 ]. What is the purpose of the "Header and Footer" option in MS Word? The Header and Footer tool is used to add consistent information (like page numbers, document titles, or dates) at the top (header) or bottom (footer) of each page across a document, improving its layout and professional appeara



Microsoft Excel

1. What is Microsoft Excel?

ü  Microsoft Excel is a program used to organize, calculate, and analyze data in a table format. It’s like a big digital grid where you can do math and keep track of information.

2. Key Parts of Excel

  • Cells: Small boxes in the grid where you can enter information. Each cell has an address like A1, B2, etc.
  • Rows: Horizontal lines of cells. Each row is numbered.
  • Columns: Vertical lines of cells. Each column is labeled with letters.
  • Worksheet: A single sheet within an Excel file. You can have multiple worksheets in one file.
  • Workbook: The whole file that contains one or more worksheets.

3. Basic Functions

  • Entering Data: Click on a cell and start typing to enter information like numbers or text.
  • Formulas: Special equations to do math with your data. Start a formula with =. For example, =A1+B1 adds the values in cells A1 and B1.
  • Functions: Predefined formulas to perform calculations. Common ones include:

o   SUM: Adds numbers. For example, =SUM(A1:A5) adds all numbers from A1 to A5.

o   AVERAGE: Calculates the average. For example, =AVERAGE(B1:B5) finds the average of numbers in cells B1 to B5.

o   MAX: Finds the highest number. For example, =MAX(C1:C5) shows the highest value in cells C1 to C5.

o   MIN: Finds the lowest number. For example, =MIN(D1:D5) shows the lowest value in cells D1 to D5.

4. Formatting Cells

  • Bold, Italic, Underline: Change the appearance of text. Highlight the cell(s) and click the buttons to make text bold, italic, or underlined.
  • Colors: Change the background color or text color. Click on the paint bucket icon to fill a cell with color, or the text color icon to change text color.
  • Borders: Add lines around cells. Click the border icon to add or change cell borders.

5. Advanced Features

  • Charts: Visualize data with graphs. For example, create a bar chart to show scores or a pie chart to show percentages.

o   Creating a Chart: Select your data, then click on the “Insert” tab and choose the type of chart you want.

o   Formatting Charts: Change the chart style, add labels, or adjust colors to make your chart look better.

  • Conditional Formatting: Change the appearance of cells based on their values. For example, you can highlight cells with scores below 50 in red.

o   Applying Conditional Formatting: Select cells, go to “Home” tab, and click on “Conditional Formatting” to set rules.

  • Sorting and Filtering: Organize your data.

o   Sorting: Arrange data in order. For example, sort a list of names alphabetically.

§  How to Sort: Click on a column header, then go to the “Data” tab and choose “Sort A to Z” or “Sort Z to A.”



o   Filtering: Show only certain data. For example, filter a list of students to show only those with grades above 90.

§  How to Filter: Click on the column header, then go to the “Data” tab and click “Filter.” Use the drop-down menu to choose what to display.

  • Freezing Panes: Keep part of your worksheet visible while scrolling. For example, keep the header row visible as you scroll down.

o   How to Freeze Panes: Go to the “View” tab, click “Freeze Panes,” and choose the option you need.

6. Advanced Functions

  • IF Function: Makes decisions based on conditions. For example, =IF(A1>50, "Pass", "Fail") will show “Pass” if A1 is greater than 50, and “Fail” if it’s not.
  • VLOOKUP: Finds information in a table. For example, =VLOOKUP(E1, A1:B10, 2, FALSE) looks for the value in E1 in the first column of the range A1

and returns the corresponding value from the second column.

  • HLOOKUP: Similar to VLOOKUP but searches in rows instead of columns.

7. Tips for Using Excel

  • Use Formulas: Learn basic formulas to do quick math.
  • Save Often: Regularly save your work to avoid losing data. Use “Save As” to create backups.
  • Practice Shortcuts: Learn keyboard shortcuts to speed up your work. For example, Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+V to paste.




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