Grade-3 (KEYBOARD)
1. What is a keyboard? Ø A keyboard is a device that helps us type letters, numbers, and symbols into a computer. 2. List out the types of keys. Ø Alphabet keys Ø Number keys Ø Function keys Ø Punctuation keys Ø Special keys (like Shift, Ctrl, Alt) Ø Cursor control keys (like arrow keys) 3. What do you mean by alphabet key? Ø Alphabet keys are the keys with letters on them (A to Z) that we use to type words. 4. What is a shift key? Ø The Shift key types capital letters or special characters like @, #, $, etc. 5. What is a caps lock key? Ø The Caps Lock key is used to type all letters in capital without holding the Shift key. 6. Why do you use punctuation keys? Ø Punctuation keys are used to add symbols like commas (,), periods (.), question marks (?), and more to make sentences clear. 7. What are the cursor control keys? Ø Cursor control keys, like the arrow keys, help move the cursor...