
Showing posts with the label History Of Computer

Grade 8 (UT+Exam) - 081

  MS Word What are the main parts of the MS Word interface? MS Word's interface includes the Ribbon, which organizes commands into tabs (Home, Insert, Layout, etc.), the Quick Access Toolbar for frequently used actions, the Document Area for writing and editing text, and the Status Bar that displays information like page count and word count [ 1 ]. How do you change the font style and size in MS Word? In the Home tab, use the Font group to select the desired font style and size. Advanced options like text effects, underlining, and subscript/superscript are also available for further customization [ 4 ]. What is the purpose of the "Header and Footer" option in MS Word? The Header and Footer tool is used to add consistent information (like page numbers, document titles, or dates) at the top (header) or bottom (footer) of each page across a document, improving its layout and professional appeara

The history of computers, organized by key developments and innovations:

Early Developments: Abacus (3000 BCE): The abacus, a rudimentary counting tool, emerges as one of the earliest devices for performing arithmetic calculations. Antikythera Mechanism (100 BCE): An ancient Greek analog computer, used to predict astronomical positions and eclipses. 19th Century: Charles Babbage and the Analytical Engine (1837): Charles Babbage designs the Analytical Engine, a mechanical computing device considered the precursor to modern computers. Although never completed, it laid the foundation for future computational concepts. 20th Century: Mechanical Calculators (1900s): Mechanical calculators, such as the Curta calculator and Marchant calculator, are developed for performing arithmetic calculations. Developed by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly, ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) is considered the first general-purpose electronic digital computer. Transistors (1947): Invention of the transistor by William Shockley, John Bardeen, and Walter Brattai

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